Find IP Ranges by Location

Reverse IP Geolocation is the process of converting a location into a list of IP addresses (or network blocks) associated with that area with reasonable accuracy. This is opposite of plain geolocation, that works by identifying a location from an IP address.

You can use this to target medium sized cities, smaller counties, or some other areas of interest within larger regions. Found data can then be fed into your application to filter traffic from those specific locations accordingly. For example, you may choose to configure your web-server to block all visitors from Washington DC. Or you may choose to display some special message to visitors that are from or near some town or county, which can be useful for local businesses or institutions like schools.

Start by navigating to the general location you are interested in, and then click draw circle to select the exact area to search for IPs. Your search is limited to an area of 100,000 square kilometers - which is about the size of American state of Ohio, or the country of Hungary.
Table below will show a preview of 100 IP blocks. The Export button will let you export this data into a more useful format, and and can return up to 10,000 IP blocks at a time.


Geolocation accuracy

Geolocation data used by this tool is sourced from MaxMind, and is updated regularly to ensure results provided are as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

In the dataset, each IP address is associated with latitude and longitude coordinates, accompanied by an "accuracy radius" intended to approximate the actual location where that IP address is likely to be found. When performing a reverse IP geolocation search, our internal algorithm will return those IP blocks that are either located inside your circle of search, or are within no less than 30% away from its own "accuracy radius" as estimated by MaxMind.

To better understand exactly how this geolocation process works, visit the official source here:

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